Yubu Chobap ✔️

I discovered that thanks to my korean mum. I’ve instantly falled in love with ! I’d like to eat this every day. But if I do that, I’m gonna get disgusted and I’m gonna be very disappointed if it’s coming to this end… So I restrict myself 😁

As you can see thanks to the ✔️, Yubu Chobap is widely edible and will not give you heartburn. That said, if you dream about meat at night, it’s not really what you need… Except if you’re very hungry and take some yubu chobap as a side dish 😉

It is simply a shell made of fried tofu that is filled with rice, more or less seasoned. For example, my Korean mum’s had tiny little vegetables, and the ones I ordered in a Korean restaurant had only rice (but even with only rice it kills).

If you go to a restaurant that specializes in yubu chobap, then there you can obviously find much more elaborate ones. With meat, eggs, fish or… kimchi. This one, you have to run away from if you can’t stand spicy food. Really ! I guarantee the non-spicy side of yubu chobap if you take it in its simplest form. If you’re playful, it’s at your own risk 😇

Publié par

Baek Nanu

Que dire... Si ce n'est qu'après toutes ces années passées dans un monde de faux semblants, je m'équipe enfin de ma propre navette afin d'aller explorer MON univers. A celles et ceux qui veulent m'accompagner dans ce voyage, vous êtes tous les bienvenus (mais pensez à laisser vos chaussures à l'entrée !)

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